Corey Ryan Forrester’s Rants and Such!
Park Rants
Rantin’ bout Parenthood making me a sap (also how the world is a cesspool!)

Rantin’ bout Parenthood making me a sap (also how the world is a cesspool!)


Hey yall! Back at ya with another park rant! Hope y’all’s day is going great and hey by the way… my old podcast Through The Screen Door is coming back soon!

If you aren’t already, go subscribe wherever you get your podcasts…. But just so you know, paid subscribers here on this Substack will get episodes early and AD FREE!

Happy Tuesday everybody… see yall later!


Corey Ryan Forrester’s Rants and Such!
Park Rants
I walk in the park every day and I bring my podcast equipment with me just in case I have a random thought, or, more likely, want to bitch about something:)