I am so delighted how Bain has changed your life! I was the same way when my first was born. It was instant love! Before I could feel my legs after the anesthesia, as he was nursing, I had already realized that my heart now existed outside of my body.

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And in addition -- I am absolutely enchanted by your impulsive wish to praise other people's children. Obey the impulse. This sorry world needs all the good daddies it can get.

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I’m trying to find things every day that are beautiful and good in this world. Sometimes it’s really hard to do, but Pollyanna is my role model.

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What a good dad you are. I am in awe.

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Woooo! CHO is just blasting out new ideas and different ways to do stuu, y'all! Corey, could this possibly include the long anticipated GoT recap you and Lady Kirby were going to do? GATA!

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My kids are 21 and 19 now, but I remember first having all these feelings too. Really looking forward to the return of TTSD. I’m pretty sure I know the young guy on Instagram you’re talking about, and he is awesome. I never scroll past his videos.

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Never been a parent, never will be a parent, never wanted to be a parent although there have been times when I wondered "what if...". However, I understand what you mean about being proud of someone, especially a young person. I've seen many a video on YouTube where I've felt it and even expressed it, if it felt warranted. I've been the "work dad" to several young people, too. It never hurts to tell someone you are proud of them or that they've done something good. It costs you nothing but can give them so much.

You are right, people can be real shitheads, with "Christians" leading the pack. (In quotes because there are Christians and "Christians".) Many of those "Christians" are on the right.

Anyway, love your rants. Stream-of-consciousness rambling can get really deep.

Just finished a book The Story Of Earth by Robert M Hazen. One interesting thing in it was the perspective of the lifetime of the planet and how we are barely a blip in it and in the story of life. One day we and everything we know will be gone to be replaced by creatures just as or more wondrous. Pretty comforting, actually.

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I'm 60, have 5 kids, (blended family) and 4 grandkids, (youngest 14 oldest 22) and been widowed since mid 2019. I say all that because as a loving parent, I believe we always want to have, and see, HOPE. No matter all the BS, political or otherwise, because we've got kids, we have hope they'll have the best life possible. I honestly can't imagine raising a child right now with social media the way it is; it frightens me a little bit as someone who was bullied a bit being a preachers kid. I doesn't really make me sad that my other 4 children will most likely remain childless. Cuz, you know, we're also killing our planet which is a big problem but we could go on for a while discussing 'that' along with this. I cry watching TV almost every day for one reason or another and honestly, it feels good; be who you are, always, and have HOPE! Love ya Corey! 💜

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I love the way you talk about your experience becoming a dad. I honestly feel like you’ve taken my thoughts right out of my head sometimes! The one that resonates the most is what you said today about learning what real love is. It’s almost overwhelming at times, but in the best way. Sometimes I feel dumb talking about how much I love being a dad, because there’s almost no way to express it without sounding cliche and hyperbolic. Plus you realize that people have been doing this since the beginning of time, so it’s probably not unique, but it feels like it is! Like no one else could possibly feel the love and joy and fear and anxiety that I do for my son. It’s so so wonderful hearing you talking about your experience being a father because I can tell you understand, and you get it, and that’s really comforting. Thanks for everything, and I’m excited for you to continue discovering the joys of dadhood.

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I'm not a parent, but I love that you are so enjoying and lifting other people up in IG comments. I was recently a guest on a podcast, and the host mentioned this one person who always comments positively on her show. People notice that, and it makes a big difference. Keep spreading that love in the world. You are wonderful.

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Yay for TTSD coming back! I just subscribed on Spotify and will leave a review as soon as they let me.

Parenthood definitely changes your outlook on the world in unexpected ways...good and bad. Like, I simultaneously have the capacity to love more than I thought possible and want to work to make the world a more peaceful place, yet I also have the desire to punch a kid in his face if he bullies my kid.

It’s also caused me to question literally everything I believe. It’s made me more political. It’s been the driving force in my ability to set boundaries with family with no hesitation. It’s forced me to find actual reasons for doing things other than “Cause that’s how it’s always been done.” Overall, it’s made me less fun, but happier...if that makes sense.

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Dude! I’m so stoked about Through The Screen Door coming back! As for parenting making you a sap, brother, I’m right there with you. All I can tell you as the dad of an almost 20yr old is that the emotions don’t ever level out. If anything, they get more intense. And oh, man, did you ever hit me in the feels talking about wondering if you did the right thing bringing a kid into this shit show of an existence. Right. In. The. Feels. B the w, that existential crisis never goes away, either.

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This 100% happened to me when I became a parent. You’re not alone! Isn’t it so lovely to be connected to your own humanity and the fibers of the universe through the birth of another human? I cry at the drop of a hat - I cry when other people’s kids perform at talent shows, I cry when my kid’s friends tell me how much they love my cooking. My kid has a saying “aren’t you going to cry?” Since it’s now a thing in our house. If I don’t cry it’s not a real moment. 😂

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