Corey Ryan Forrester’s Rants and Such!
Park Rants
Answering ?’s About My Fashion Sense, Marjorie Taylor Greene (gross) and more!

Answering ?’s About My Fashion Sense, Marjorie Taylor Greene (gross) and more!


Oooh oooh also I go on a side rant about how much I love King of The Hill! (It relates to a question, I promise!)

Hope yall are having a wonderful Thursday! I’ll see you tomorrow with more Tales from Chickaluki and Pastor Petey will round us out as usual on Sunday!

Thanks for being here!


Corey Ryan Forrester’s Rants and Such!
Park Rants
I walk in the park every day and I bring my podcast equipment with me just in case I have a random thought, or, more likely, want to bitch about something:)