Really enjoyed this missing chapter! I’m an Anglophile living in Texas. I watched as much of the jubilee that I could get over hear and was glued to the tv when she died. I watched all the coverage on BBC News.

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Could we have volume 2? I know y’all have more stories!

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Who all gave you a page limit?

Mae West sang that she liked a man what takes his time and I feel that way about stories. Take a while, lollygag, pile on the details, add some discreet embroidery or go full rhinestone. I usually tell a story like that and it drove my late mother nucking futs. She'd interrupt me just as I was about to get to the payoff line by saying "GET TO THE POINT! GET TO THE POINT!"

Which infuriated me. You can probably already guess that William Faulkner was her least favorite author, but she also thought Ernest Hemingway ran on a bit...

Corey, I just love the book and I wish there was more of it.

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We’ll just so you know, I very much intend for there to be a sequel

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Thank you! 💜

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