Man the perfect Tomatoe Sandwich Recipe - although some might put Miracle Whip on theirs Mayo is the best choice!!

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Nothing better than a mater sandwich!! Good to see you're genuinely Southern. You use Duke's!

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My favorite sandwhich! And only Dukes will do!

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I got the sugars, so white bread is my enemy. That said, we'll call a truce for some 'mater sammiches

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i got the switch one time when i was like 8 cuz the mammaw was having the church ladies over the next day and i snuck in the fridge and took out the whole plate of tomayo sammies(this is what we called them as kids) like Kirby with some hardcore munchies that she had for her social gathering. no regrets.

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White bread cannot be emphasized enough. Please do not make a tomato sandwich with any fancy bread. No ciabatta, no French, no wheat, etc… it must be white. Just sayin’

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That's a good tomato. You have to grow your own. The ones at the store are never really ripe. Yum.

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That was dinner last night. Two mater sandwiches was just perfection.

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Those tomatoes look awesome!

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