I guessed $70 for your LJS meals. But dang! I love LJS. But the closest one to me (Oak Ridge, TN) closed a few years ago. There's only one left in Knoxville, I think, and it's not even close to my PT job. (I had to retire early on disability but I have to kill my body even at a PT driver job because I can't afford not to, and can't, in all honesty, have a normal quality of life even with the PT job. Hoping for no big financial emergencies! Even with no house or car payment, and I drive a 2006 Kia with 187K miles on it! Keep going, little Kia! LOL) Anyway, I miss LJS and that yummy malt vinegar! But DANG!

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Picked up McD's one night on way home and when he heard the amount he almost had a heart attack (pun not intended).. My husband refuses to do fast food any more as it's too expensive..

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I don't wish ill on anyone, but karma is a bitch and some people richly deserve what they get.

Talking about looking like other people, I've gotten that. One woman I worked with told me I looked just like her former boyfriend. She showed me his pic and I thought "maybe a little" but others agreed with her. She still had some kind of relationship with him and things got really creepy when she walked in one day, I said "Good morning" and she said "I've been talking with you all the way to work. I don't want to talk any more."

I finally had to tell her "You know we don't actually have a relationship outside of work, right?" One of our co-workers almost swallowed his tongue and it hurt her feelings, but it had gotten to be too much.

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You bring me so much joy! Thanks for making me laugh and brightening my days!

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I think I can speak for all my fellow SubStackers as well as myself, we'll follow you anywhere, CHO! I even became a "founding member" a couple months ago here on SubStack just because you're worth it.

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Just got a bucket of KFC, some chicken tenders and some corn for the THREE of us from Door Dash and it was $85.

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So sweet that Bain is helping with the laundry! Just the same way my kitty helps!

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My favorite pastime, not doing a god damn thing… old hippie ✌️💙😎

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Malt vinegar. Tip of the hat to you sir. Everyone in this country looks at me like a leper when I drown my fries in it (one reason Five Guys hits).

Pricing on fast food has gone nuts, I hope the greedy MFs eat eachother.

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May need a follow up about our drain pipe preacher if anyone figures out why he climbed in there in the first place. Googled it and looked like it was a very expensive rescue operation

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My dad doesn't drive anymore so I take him to Walmart and his doctor appointments. He treated me to a meal as thanks since I won't take his money. We got Wendy's. Two burgers, a medium fry, and two medium frosties. $25...A quarter of a Hundred Dollars! His social security is only around $1,000 a month. Unreal.

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I'm glad you had a decent Long John Silver's to patronize -- the one that used to be in my neck of suburbia (Long John Closed) used the same deep frying oil forEVER so I always got the runs if I bought any of their fish meals.

Popeye's used to have a pretty good fried fish meal but apparently I was the only one buying it, so it's off the menu.

I guessed one hundred and twenty dollars for everyone's meal. Close!

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Fresh laundry! This guy gets it.

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