Corey Ryan Forrester’s Rants and Such!
Chickaluki City Limits!
Sunday Sermon w/ Pastor Petey: Thou Shalt Give Thyself A Damneth Break!

Sunday Sermon w/ Pastor Petey: Thou Shalt Give Thyself A Damneth Break!


Happy Sunday Substackers! I hope this message hits your hearts as well as it did when it left Pastor Petey’s! Yall have a blessed day and hug ya loved ones!


Corey Ryan Forrester’s Rants and Such!
Chickaluki City Limits!
Welcome to Chickaluki! Our own little slice of heaven! Like Lake Wobegon with a southern twist, The Chickaluki universe is filled with eccentric characters who get up to all sorts of mischief! From Pastor Petey to Colonel Cornbread and much more, everything that happens in Chickaluki City Limits will live here!
As always, we thank you for being a citizen in our ever growing little town!