Praise him! I feel the Spirit, Pastor Petey!

Also, you are hurting your Caterersville neighbors, YES! We are called to love to our neighbors by our Savior Woooo!

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The only corporate value is the value of the corporation. Amen?

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Aug 20, 2023Liked by Corey Ryan Forrester

Preach! It’s impossible to be “politically correct” all the time for all things. I try to support those who appear to treat others with respect and don’t engage in discriminatory actions. I figure if I reinforce positive behavior, then that’s the best I can do. So I shop at our local version of Whole Foods whenever I can because they have healthy products and decent pay/working conditions for their employees. Who the owners support politically could be anyone, but as long as they are contributing to the community in a positive way, I’m OK with it. It’s a small thing, but I remind myself that an ocean is made up of billions of drops. I can be a drop.

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Petey Perkins is my favorite pastor since the late Peter Popoff. Oh wait, Peter ain’t dead... whoops.

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Only 3 major places I absolutely won't give my dollars- Hobby Lobby, Papa John's, and Chik-Fil-A. I'm a northerner. Appleton just got a CFA a few years ago, and I ate there once when I was stationed at Ft. Bragg in 1982, so it's not like it's any great sacrifice or virtue signal. It's just not really on my radar. If I'm gonna try a new chicken place, I'll try Popeye's, which is right down the road from The Lord's Chicken and opened right about the same time. Instead, most of our "I'm a shitty liberal" dollars go to Menards (midwestern, Wisconsin-based home improvement chain that gives lots of money to the likes of Scott Walker's recall election campaign). At least I make sure to keep as much money out of their coffers by near-obsessively sending in the 11% rebate slips.

Oh, and I gave up on Westridge golf course for their Friday fish fry because they were just absolute A-holes during the early COVID days, and they made it pretty clear they really don't want no librul snowflake Soros bucks polluting their cash drawers. I happily obliged, but boy do I miss their black and tan onion rings.

The rest of the "don't do business with so-and-so" BS is nearly impossible to stay on top of and I've about given up. If I stopped doing business with every company that ever did anything questionable, I'd likely end up having to be 100% self sufficient, which just ain't happenin'. Still haven't shopped at Walgreens since their latest scandal post Dobbs, but that's mostly because I can get anything they sell right across the street at Walmart, another store we're not supposed to frequent for, uh, reasons. Ugh!

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Aug 20, 2023Liked by Corey Ryan Forrester

Amen Pastor for addressing the stupidity of product-related culture wars. No corporation suffers while fuel is added to the polarization fire. Today I celebrate 34 years of one day at a time. Thank you for giving the gift of humor.

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Pastor Petey Perkins! Perfect! (Even though in my head it quickly flipped over to Pastor Perky Peter, which, according to many scandalous reports, is rather “on point” among some pastor-types and other churchy personnel...pun not intended but I’ll own it 😁)

So glad Sister Becky’s recovered well and back to chicken frying. Praise be!

Spectacular Sunday sermon, Pastor Petey. May your day be bright and your chicken crispy!



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Pastor Peter, please excuse me for offering a correction. I’m not sure if Bud Light sent her money. I do know that Bud Light sent her a personalized six pack with her face on it and the bigoted wing went ballistic. Those folks who lost their shit, don’t hit.

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Praise you Pastor Petey for the preaching on lotto scratchin'!

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Aug 20, 2023Liked by Corey Ryan Forrester

Pastor Petey is peak perfection! Pass the plate.

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Aug 20, 2023Liked by Corey Ryan Forrester

You have clearly spent some time in a small southern church. Amen!

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Aug 20, 2023Liked by Corey Ryan Forrester

Love the choice of Petey Perkins!

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Aug 20, 2023Liked by Corey Ryan Forrester

Proud to be counted amongst Pastor Peter Perkins most pious parishioners!

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Aug 20, 2023Liked by Corey Ryan Forrester

Well now, turns out he’s a REAL man after all!

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