Corey Ryan Forrester’s Rants and Such!
Chickaluki City Limits!
Sunday (Night) Sermon w/ Pastor Petey: Common Decency 3:16

Sunday (Night) Sermon w/ Pastor Petey: Common Decency 3:16


Hello Friends and neighbors! This week, Pastor Petey is preaching on Common Decency and sharing as his testimony today a story of a gas station experience gone wrong!

We appreciate all of you who leave 5 dollars in the offering plate every month, and remember, if you want to show more appreciation for the work we do here, you can contribute to the bulding fund by sending a donation on PayPal or Venmo to…. no donation too small or too big!

But as always, please remember, even if you arent a paying customer, we are just glad you are here!

Support for the church can also be shown by purchasing our Merch at

We love y’all. And youll be hearing from us real soon!

‘ Petey

Corey Ryan Forrester’s Rants and Such!
Chickaluki City Limits!
Welcome to Chickaluki! Our own little slice of heaven! Like Lake Wobegon with a southern twist, The Chickaluki universe is filled with eccentric characters who get up to all sorts of mischief! From Pastor Petey to Colonel Cornbread and much more, everything that happens in Chickaluki City Limits will live here!
As always, we thank you for being a citizen in our ever growing little town!