
Colbert is Jerry Mander's grandpa. I love it.

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Aging is a funny thing. You don't realize it's happening until one day you say "What the f...!!!" It's like the Kenny Chesney song 'Don't blink'. You're just in that age where you're beginning to see it. I'm almost twice your age, so when you talk about being old, I'm one of those who rolls his eyes.

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Corey!! Ugh😀

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I'm happy to hear your voice, frog in all! Also happy you and your family made it through the hard time. My mom's mobility is rapidly declining and the time is very near to me moving her in with me. I know that time will be very difficult but I promised her long ago I would do everything I could so she would never see the inside of a nursing home.

I could not believe how happy I felt seeing Jon Stewart back at the desk. I actually cried and felt some sense of relief as if all would be ok now 😀. Missed that dude.

Raider fan here ... Superbowl was not how should I say it.... Fun for me! gawt damn I hate the Chiefs, but respect the dynasty.

As always thank you for sharing life and laughs Cory

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The center for KC was doing everything he could to throw the game. He was hiking to Pat's shins

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Jon is the main reason I am the way I am politically. I’m not going to accuse myself of being funny, but I try to handle situations with elements of humor that can get the ball rolling again so you don’t stall out and stagnate. He’s a nice “wtf are we doing here” outlet, so his Mondays are going to be a wonderful contribution to the narrative. I’m not happy we need Jon’s influence right now, but I’m glad he’s still got enough juice and give a shit to return for more stress.

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I remember that dreadful morning in 2016 when Agent Orange was declared the winner (god damn the Electoral College). I remember thinking "But... but... why didn't people listen to Jon Stewart?"

And that is the problem. The people who ought to listen to Jon Stewart -- won't. It's a case of "my mind is made up, don't bother me with the facts." How to combat this?

I say "Billboards." It's always too easy to change a channel, turn off the TV or radio, listen to a podcast that supports the opinion you already have or be distracted by kitten videos -- but when you're driving, you can't change the billboard. You either read it or ignore it. I don't know about everyone else, but I generally read every billboard I see.

Put the facts up in BIG LETTERS on major highways.

I've been tempted to stick notes on restroom doors. You go in, sit down (if you're a lady or a man doing a number two) and bam. Right at eye level. "Would you hire a lying, cheating, rapist who never pays his bills?" Or "He didn't win the election in 2016 either -- not the popular vote EITHER TIME."

I always liked the way Jon Stewart looked at the camera -- he always seemed to be sharing the joke with ME.

I'm glad that things with your family have settled down (if they have). I had my ninety-something mother with me for her last two years and she wasn't easy.

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Thank you for telling the Cousins At Church Story again. I’m fascinated on the deliberate coalition that Reagan made with Pat Buchanan. Reagan’s advisor, Norquist said that the Corporation and Business money will supply the resources and “these people” will provide the votes. Looking forward to the movie God And Country.

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