Holy crap what a great deal on the new platform, Corey!

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Quite honestly, if Trump were hospitalized I think it would be a much bigger deal. It wasn't successful in its desired outcome and his ear will recover.

And I think you're totally right about the 2A crowd.

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Corey, I think what you're talking about is the wisdom of maturity re: process it first vs. being reactionary -- and you've probably learned it over and over and over with ADHD due to impulsivity. I know for my life experience, I got tired of being embarrassed and feeling shame for hot takes or for taking the bait and arguing the straw man. I really wanted to hone my listening skills so I could make better arguments.

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"My God What an Idiot: Trump/Vance 2024"

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Your commentary was thought out, and if someone doesn't want to hear that both the right and the left get sparky, then cancel me today. I too think the shooting was staged but we will never know. I will follow you wherever you go. Love you.

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I do hope you didn’t mean what you said on wellRED about not doing standup anymore Corey!

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I see no reason for you to apologize for becoming more thoughtful as you become older. If indeed, you were apologizing.

Now. If I wanted to be a pain-in-the-ass about correct word usage, then I should have become an English teacher, the way my mother wanted. (She thought teaching was an easy part-time job. HAHAHAHAHA) At least then, I would be grossly underpaid for my futile efforts.

I have mentioned this before and I'm mentioning it again because you are misusing a certain word, thereby doing yourself a great disservice.

You are NOT a reactionary comedian. You are REACTIVE. See definitions below.

A reactionary is someone who opposes political or social liberalization or reform. They often favor a return to a previous state of society, believing it had positive characteristics that are lacking in the present.

As an adjective, “reactionary” describes viewpoints or policies aimed at restoring a past condition1. For example, a reactionary might oppose modern changes in social policies and advocate for traditional values and systems.

That ain't you, my dear.

But this is: "Reactive: readily responsive to a stimulus occurring as a result of stress or emotional upset.

My reactive response to the shooting was "well, it was just his ear and he never listens anyway."

My best to you and your family and long may you wave.

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Right after the shooting my wife said “ maybe it will get infected “ I’ve talked with many neighbors from both sides about it. Heal up Trae

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I thought hmm maybe a heart attack from being scared -- at least that's a natural cause 🤣

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Oh Lord, that's exactly what I thought!

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•Pretty sure you’re going to add lots more fans in the coming years.

•Taking time to process before speaking is a sign of maturity

•I disagree about both-sidesing anything to do with the orange fascist fucker. I think it is something that, in large part thanks to the media, has enabled tRump to be a successful as he’s been. He is not just another presidential candidate, he does not have just a different political opinion, he is a convicted felon, a traitor, and the embodiment of what could very well become the end of life as we know it, bleak as that already is. So, I find jokes about his “attempted assassination“ totally justified because, if anything, he deserves that and more. I guess what I’m trying to say is if someone had attempted to assassinate President Biden and MAGA made jokes about it they would be making jokes about the attempted assassination of a pretty decent person. Whereas the attempted assassination of Donald Trump is the attempted assassination of a vile, evil, horrible, repulsive criminal cult leader. And it is not lost on me that Republicans think Joe Biden is vile evil and a horrible criminal. The difference is there are facts pointing to Donald Trump being all those things and no facts pointing to Biden being those things. So at the end of the day, “going high” only results in Democrats losing all the time and we should go low.

I feel better now thanks for letting me vent. 😂😂😂

Also, pass the collards.

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I live in Appalachia and not ONE person has uttered a word about the shooting. No one is talking about it at all. AND, this is MAGA country. I also see very few signs.

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Hmm. I'm in Missouri in a deep red county and my MAGA neighbor only has state candidates in his yard 🤔

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You are a true hero who hasn’t peaked. Just wait until you start collaborating with your son. Grey beard and all

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