Definite twins. I’m not sure why I pictured you both on Halloween this year as Dr. evil and Mini Me 😀 Well, Life is like a box of chocolates....and therein lies the depth of my life advice....and it isn’t even mine😁

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Your babe is absolutely gorgeous! And I don't think babies are cute on a general basis. Love his baby blues!!

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hah, people who think you’d choose hanging out at a bar over hanging out with a baby must not know you that well

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You've found the bliss!

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You have your priorities right!

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You are awesome! Your son is adorable!

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Spending time with those we love the most is the greatest gift in the world. Soak up every moment. There will never be enough of them in this lifetime.

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Cherish every moment. My son is 25 at the end of the month and I couldn't be more proud of him. My wife and I decided to have a child while sitting in one of those bars on a whatever night. We looked at each other and said, this is boring, you think we should have a kid? Might as well, this sucks. (Plus I get laid)

I became a homebody and it was even better than I could have imagined. Even the hard shit was cool.

I could babble for hours, if you made it this far thanks. Not that you need my affirmation, but you made the greatest decision of you life.

Thanks for sharing

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I always say as we get older, we dull have fun, but our definition of fun can change, and that’s ok!! It’s called, maturity, growth, and evolving of priorities!! This time is irreplaceable and you have created a beautiful little family there, Corey! Your single (or unhappily married) friends may not get it, but that’s ok!! ;) just keep doing you, brother. 😎✌🏼❤️

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It's great you're making the most of this time, it's precious and unreplaceable...I had to fight to spend time with my son, and missed the first 6 months of his life, because his mom didn't want me to raise him(Even though I was already raising our daughter, It was just the ex's way of saying I love you, but I'm pissed you're willing to change jobs, so you can spend more time with our kids than me...😆) but 275k in attorneys fee's later, both my kids are mostly well adjusted adults who love their dad.. 😁...All I'm saying is, be thankful you have a great wife, who's working WITH you, not against you...I'll guarantee those same friends, if they have kids, and spend all their time at the bar, will regret it, when the kids get older...Looks like you're doing a GREAT job, keep it up, and we're hoping to come see you guys in Nashville, in Dec...🤘😁🤘

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Wow!! Bain’s growing up way fast!!! He’s def your mini-me for sure too. (Ya should’ve had your leg up too, just to keep the vibe going that Bain was setting 😁)

Here’s my thought...I went through the same transition back in my younger years. Those “before-times” are fun till they get replaced by things that feel even more fun. If nothing else, they’re awesome memories that prove this new chapter feels even better because you knew what mind-blowing young fun was. Just like we need sadness, frustration, and anger sometimes so we can fully recognize and appreciate happiness, accomplishment, and peace. Your life as a family man with a beloved wife and a cherished son is so much sweeter because you have known otherwise. Take it all in, my friend. These times are precious and too many people don’t realize that until they’re gone. PS...this whole daddy thing suits you. I’m convinced this is what you were born to be 😊

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That kid is so darn cute. So is your son.

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Growing up doesn't mean getting boring. It means you know what's important. I admire how you have prioritized your life. Enjoy the time with your wife and baby. In the end, no one remembers what you did, they remember how you made them feel. I can't help but believe both of them feel very loved.

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I was 45 when we adopted our baby. It’s been the best years of my life and I will die knowing I have felt the deepest love possible for another.

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Baby is adorable and so are you!

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