Sep 9, 2023·edited Sep 9, 2023

Hell-0🐱 I am on my telephone now , but I will check on my laptop later to see if I can be sending you $10 a month instead of the $5 a month, at least until the Writer's and Actor's Strike is , hopefully soon , coming to an equitable agreement. I am also having ADHD, depression, anxiety, PTSD among other health issues. I commend you for putting your stuff out there to be helping others and also for stepping up to being a full time Dad ❣️ Thank You Very Much ❤️ Take Care,Stay Safe And Healthy ❣️🐱🖖✌️☮️🌈

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Corey, I’m in dire financial straits (my dear sweet boyfriend is helping me pay for an expensive repair to my 13-year-old, 156K-mile Ford Escape because I sure as hell can’t afford a new-to-me car). You, Trae, and Marc Maron are my forever subscriptions. Diapers are a HELL OF A LOT more expensive than they were in the early 80s, when my ex-husband and I would go thru separate aisles at Woolco for budget-priced Pampers that were one to a customer. Glad to make my small contribution and hope those corporations get off their asses and pay writers and actors what they deserve!

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Dude, you gotta do whatcha gotta do. I’m already a paid subscriber, but I would convert to one of I wasn’t in order to support you. I appreciate what you do and appreciate the situation in which you find yourself. When this strike is over, I’ll still keep it up because it’s worth it to me for the joy you provide. Hang in there!

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you were doing something that went above and beyond, and i totally understand if you can’t keep that up indefinitely. just don’t get scrooge mcduck-rich and forget to knock the paywall back down!

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You’re very talented and paying for that is not a bad thing. ❤️All of your content-which is a lot!

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Great photo of you and the baby! Keep up the great work Corey!

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Oh and thank you for including the photograph. That is one happy daddy.

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You have to also tell us all about the Founding Member - $150 a year to get to hear you doesn't seem like too much to me. Tell me more and I will subscribe! Love your content - even if I don't comment.

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I do not hate this decision. This is actually a great reminder for me and am upgrading based on this note - my small way of helping artists during the strike until y'all get what is right.

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If anyone does bash you in the comments, they will never get it in the first place, Pally. Good luck with the new biz model!

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You've been very generous offering all your content for free; give yourself a break. I'm of the mind that if I pay, there should be some stuff only for us, but hey, it's not my Substack! We all have to make a living and I respect you for putting it out there just like it is. Keep it up! Love ya!

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Just subscribed to the $5/month buddy! Don’t apologize for a second. We love ya.

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Sorry you have been put in this situation by a bunch of rich pos that want even more money. Replace the executives with AI, not the talent. Skew!

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Dangit Corey, you could get a part time at the Dollar General!!! Seriously, you got a family and the billionaires do NOT get to win!!

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I'd be glad to pay more. Can I sponsor anyone?

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Corey, YOU didn't fail your subscription model. The powers-that-be holding all you writers' and actors' livelihoods hostage failed you/us. No need to apologize for that.

Sister Alberta's prayer request this week was worth the monthly subscription price on its own. 😂

Until I see you crowd funding a dog emergency days after returning from a lengthy Paris vacation, and then coincidentally buying a gaming laptop the following week for THE SAME PRICE as the "dog emergency," making me question how much you really need my $5, my wallet is open for this here Substack account. (And now I'm off to subscribe to Trae's Patreon on which I keep procrastinating).

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