An old lady at my church said it like “Muckdonalds” - real emphasis on the “muck”

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McDonald's secret is the other stuff that with the burgers. The FRIES! They've been trying to make fries that good at the other places forever. Nit even close. The co-cola! They have some secret mix of something. Those fries will be around after we nuke everything. Krysh-tul fries are good.

It's all too expensive. F em.

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Really enjoyed this one. Thanks for the PSA.

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I always look forward to your rants and voice notes. Being in the UK (in Hertfordshire), they tend to arrive overnight so are a great way to start the day, or to keep for the morning commute. I still can't figure out how you went from burgers to Bugs Bunny, but it was wonderful to listen to.

I also really appreciate your honesty when you spoke about your panic attacks. Thankfully, I have not suffered from this, but on so many issues you talk about there are times when it really hits home, and means so much to hear someone open up.

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Love you, Corey. So glad you're doing better. Thank you so much for speaking out. It matters so much, especially for men because the patriarchy tries to keep men from ever talking about feelings. It is great to watch you work to become a better person (while still being hilarious.) Be well, brother!

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I totally feel you on the panic attacks. It's definitely easy to get complacent, and I'm glad to hear you're back on steady ground.

The following is not advice, just sharing my experience in case it's helpful: My experience has been that the more I focus on taking care of my mental health, the easier it is to see the warning signs for panic attacks & do what is needed to head them off. I've been taking daily meds to regulate brain chemicals for several years & do weekly therapy. But in Dec 2020, I noticed I was having more panic attacks than I had since I'd started my daily meds (because...2020). I talked to my therapist & then my gp about getting extra meds I could take as needed when I felt a panic attack coming on. I've had the same bottle of 30 pills since & I just got down to single digits this week. Sometimes just knowing it's available helps me avoid the panic attack without even taking the pill. It has been a game changer.

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Hey, bud. So sorry to hear about your mental health struggles as of late. My brain was being an asshole for a few days last week, so I definitely sympathize. And like you, I realized it was at least mostly because I’d been in a good place long enough to get complacent. Here’s to both of us being more diligent and staying in this better headspace. Love you, dude.

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My dad was in the beef industry for 30 years.

If you came into his house and insulted his meat knowledge by asking for steak sauce or ketchup for your steak.

He would chuckle. Ask them to give it a chance. If the still wanted the sauce. He would bring them a burger tell them here is meat of sauce quality and divide the extra steak to everyone else.

You would never be invited back for a cookout. Only a few people would actually keep using sauce after tasting what meat should be.

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Everybody to Corey’s for burgers! 🍔 I’ll bring a salad and some banana pudding with Oreos in it!

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May 1·edited May 1

Cast iron is the best. We called those big old cast iron skillets "spiders" back in the day, up in the hills. However, it is fine to use soap and water to clean out your spider once in a great while... a quick wash and rinse isn't going to rinse decades of season off. Just wipe down the inside with some bacon grease, and leave it be. Fk Disney. Daffy Duck FTW.

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Oh yeah for sure! I learned a few years back it was actually fine BUT you cannot convince people round here of it 🤣

I don’t but that’s only cause I’m just in the habit of doing it like I’ve always done! Cheers!

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Oh yeah. I have friends that are scandalised when I tell them I occasionally use soap on my skillet, but my mamaw did once in a while, and she used homemade lye soap, so....I don't think a little Dawn dish soap is gonna hurt it! Cheers right back at you!

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May 1Liked by Corey Ryan Forrester

I’m a retired chef, Corey’s spot on, salt and pepper is all that’s needed 😎💙✌️

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72 and been eating double cheeseburgers since inception. They do hit and I’m still kickin…😎✌️💙

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They super hit!

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