We went. Only stayed a little while. Sorry I missed your performance...just could not do it. Hope your leg gets better and don't do that any more!!

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My father, Ricardo Luigi Cusato (actually Richard Louis Cusato but my way sounds better) was trained by his aunt Eva (born in Naples) to cook and he puts American cheese in his eggpant parm and it's fuckin' delicious!

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Ciao Corey, gli unici commenti sui video di cibo che ho mai fatto sono sui video sulla pasta di Matteo Lane e penso che siano fantastici.

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Nonna made, Mussolini approved!

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Hope you've been to the doctor about that leg. I know from personal experience that letting stuff go and trying to treat it yourself can make it harder ini the long run. That said: ice. Hope you recover soon, but not because I want more content. :-D

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Redneck Bromance. We must finish it.

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The cooking show comments.🤣

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Ouch! That was injury is no joke. :(

I married into an Italian family and they are nothing if not passionate about their food. Funny enough, I just started rewatching The Sopranos from the beginning and am on season 2 right now. A couple nights ago I was watching the episode where Tony, Paulie and Cwistuhfuh go to Naples. Paulie asked for spaghetti and gravy and the Italians mocked him hard core. 😂 A lot of American Italian food is not really Italian food at all. But I’m not gonna say that to their faces on account I don’t wanna get whacked.

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That's so cool that you got to wrestle for "real"!

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Feel better! This getting old shit....😝😎💜

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Damn, man. That was gnarly. Glad you’re on the mend.

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