Must you know someone personally to feel the sting of their death? It wasn’t the case for our parents generation when JFK was killed. It certainly didn’t matter to us that we didn’t have a personal relationship with Robin Williams.
As for Matthew Perry, knowing his personal struggles with demons is undoubtedly having an emotional affect on a great many of us.
Listen to this rant while I try and make sense of what I mean, and more importantly… take care of yourself today. As cliche as it may sound, your mental health isn’t like a haircut - something you can take care of once every few weeks or months or not at all if you want. It’s more like brushing your teeth… something you have to stay vigilant about regardless of how rushed you are.
Or, to try and be slightly funny, it can be like wiping your ass: at first when you stop doing it, it will only bother you, but after a while, it will affect everyone around you 🤣
As you all should know by now, I do not talk about mental health as a way to proselytize from up high. I am far from a guru, will never release a self help book, and have no interest in being a redneck Tony Robbins. I’m simply a guy who suffered for a long time while not knowing I didn’t have to. It would be very rude of me to keep that knowledge to myself when there are so many people in my life who would be much happier if they heard it and gave it a shot.
While I detest those who besmirch me for telling fart and weeenie jokes because “you have a platform and are better than that!” I do not deny that they are at least right about the platform part. Here’s hoping I occasionally use it for good so that all the liberal elites with a stick up their ass will forgive me my transgressions:)
Love yall
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