I consider myself an agnostic atheist but I can't break the habit of celestial exclamations.

Oh. My. Gahhhhhhhd. Those prime roll egg rolls sound AMAZING

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No worries, Corey. Highly relatable. I would have lost my fucking mind, lol.

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Technology issues suck. That sinking stomach feeling that makes you want to throw up. Same feeling with car trouble. Anxiety ridden disgust. We can ALL relate. Love ya!

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So funny, my wife and I were talking about her niece a little younger than you and the fact she had no clue about using a map. Folks my age, if you didn’t know how to use a map you were screwed ✌️💙😎

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I can relate to your rant. My husband is freaking out over problems with his PC. It’s now at Best Buy in the hands of the Geek Squad (my suggestion). It’s like he lost an arm.

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Tech issues can derail your whole day or week in your case. Hope the rest of your week is better. Thanks for the Fall Guy recommendation.

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You loosing access to Twitter is the equivalent of a technical professional losing access to their credentials/certifications. I would have thrown up from anxiety.

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I almost did! lol

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We forgive you, Corey! You know, we are loyal to you, regardless of your content or output!

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