Hey Corey. How's it going? I wanted to say that I really appreciate you pointing out that the South isn't as backwards as people usually assume it is. I always have to tell people that. Over in the God Pod Discord, people talk a lot of shit about Florida. However, as I pointed out to them, DeSantis barely won the governorship in his first election. He did do better in the second one but that was against Crist, our former Republican governor who is now a Democrat. If we had run someone people could be motivated to vote for, it would have been closer.

Also, please check your emails over at POA for some from me if you get a chance.

I love you guys and everything y'all do. ❤️

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I grew up in Indiana, and have lived in Michigan, Georgia, and TN, where I am now. I have to constantly remind myself that, in 2020, for example, 1,143,000 people voted for Biden. In Georgia, 2,461,000 voted for Biden. And those are only the ones who cared enough to vote. That's a lot of people who don't subscribe to Tucker Carlson et al. Whenever someone from the north bitches about how The South is to blame for Trumpism, I remind them that Indiana, Ohio, Iowa, and other northern states had a majority of Trump voters, and in New York alone, 2.2 million voted for Trump. So going after the South is as intellectually dishonest as saying Blacks are all violent and Jews are money grubbers.

Also, beyond the media, we have HOLLYWOOD to blame for continuing those stereotypes. It's easy, and it's lazy to do so. Because Americans consume it and then spit it back out. So you are correct in resenting it. Generalizing about ANY group of people is bigoted and dishonest. LOVE you guys!

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See: Randy Newman’s 1974 LP “Good Old Boys”

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Btw crowder is from Canada. lol

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I wish I could've come to the show in little rock but things didn't work out right in order for me to come. I only live like maybe 20 mins from the theater y'all were at.

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Sullivan Co, Tn is 97% nazi.

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Not all people think the South is the cause of all our societal woos. There’re plenty of Maga in MN and WI too along with every State.

If I do hear someone making a blank statement, I always stand up for the South. The pro-democracy coalition has to stand together

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I got something to say.

Southern Progressives are the most badass.

Period. The direct opposition thinks they can crush us or force us out. Progressives elsewhere think we dont exist.

And yet we keep on keepin on.

The MOST badass. This was ground zero for civil rights...still is. And southern progressives are the ones on the front lines.

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Carlson/Shapiro are from California and Crowder is from Michigan.

*insert comment about Californians invading the south here*

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Have not spent time in the south other than Florida which seems like it’s sort of it’s own thing. But I do intend to take at least southern road trip before I pass on. I can say that we have plenty of backwards racist mfrs up here in Oregon.

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Its everywhere, people just embrace that Southern myth in an effort to exempt their own horrid behavior from the racist label.

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Righteous rant! Some parts of the Midwest have our share of not great folks as well. OT, love the artwork

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Assholes and idiots are everywhere and every section of the country. The South is beautiful.

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Typo!! “White *and*when...” My kingdom for an edit button!

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💯Racism is not confined to the South by any means. I have family that have experienced it on the west coast (all 3 states) and upper midwest. I experienced an unusual form when I went to college and some of my white, liberal, well meaning, upper middle class friends thought affirmative action was great cuz it gave me an opportunity. 😳[NB: my grades and SAT scores were what got me in]. To be fair, I pass for white so when I was van camping through the South (VA, NC, SC, GA, FL, AL, MS, LA, and TX) I found everyone to be extremely polite and helpful - even to a couple of PNW hipsters, lol. I don’t know what it would have been like had I looked like the rest of my family, but I am not going to assume it would have been different. And if so, the adage of one bad apple not spoiling the bunch applies, IMO.

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Great thoughts, Corey. I live in Cape Girardeau, MO, just 6 blocks from the banks of the Mississippi River. Also the spawning origin and education site (all the way through a bit of college) of Rush Limbaugh. Talk about red country! Still, I do find sane people here and it’s always the same...we’re afraid of the MAGA nuts so we don’t advertise our ideology for personal safety reasons. But we do have a beautiful bridge, a flood wall with a painted mural, a river park on the banks of the river, and a nifty old style downtown reminiscent of a century or more ago, plus Old St Vincent’s church. All in all, a beautiful and interesting historical place.

Regarding college, it’s never too late. Education is an investment that can’t be taken from you. Besides, I can SO picture you taking a literature analysis course where you analyze the symbolism of a book, poem, or short story. You’d love that I’m sure! Anyway, sorry for the long reply. Take care and have a great evening!

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