Corey Ryan Forrester’s Rants and Such!
Chickaluki City Limits!
Sunday Sermon w/ Pastor Petey: Reading From The Book of “Mind Ya Damn Buisness!”

Sunday Sermon w/ Pastor Petey: Reading From The Book of “Mind Ya Damn Buisness!”


Children of the flock! Hope you are having a wonderful Sunday, and if not, may Pastor Petey’s words put you in a better place!

Thanks for being here, yall! As some of you may have realized, you haven’t gotten an email notification this week…. I’m trying something out!

The “Content” on this Substack will still be coming as usual and will be posted… but I will now only have them sent out as email notifications once a week…

it’s been brought to my attention that many people have unsubscribed because they don’t like receiving emails. I hear you.

The pro of this is that your inbox will not be flooded. The Con of this (and the reason Ice been hesitant) is that you will not be notified when something comes out. The once a week email will serve as your reminder that there is stuff for you to hear!

A couple of things you can do to ensure that you can enjoy my stuff when you want: download the Substack App! There is a “feed” in which all my posts will pop up!

For the audio posts…. Make sure you have entered the private RSS feed on your favorite podcast player! This sends all the rants directly to Apple Podcasts, Spotify, etc!

Have a great day yall!

~ Corey

Corey Ryan Forrester’s Rants and Such!
Chickaluki City Limits!
Welcome to Chickaluki! Our own little slice of heaven! Like Lake Wobegon with a southern twist, The Chickaluki universe is filled with eccentric characters who get up to all sorts of mischief! From Pastor Petey to Colonel Cornbread and much more, everything that happens in Chickaluki City Limits will live here!
As always, we thank you for being a citizen in our ever growing little town!