I was the 1 person who did not know what that second to the last episode is called. Thank you

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I need to add The Sopranos to my list of shows to watch. Since I don’t have anything other than Netflix, I am way behind on all the cool shows. I’m binging Homeland on DVD now.

Get well soon!

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Feel better!

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Take care of yourself, Corey! 😘

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Get well soon!

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I hope you feel better fast

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I loved the Sopranos! Not fond of how it ended,but you're right we can have the bad guy be good. Hope you feel better soon. Really should watch it again. ✌️❤️

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I haven't seen all the Sopranos episodes but I must say -- James Gandolfini was one hell of an actor and greatly missed.

The two things that stay in my memory from the Sopranos -- aren't even scenes or a line of dialogue. They are two fleeting facial expressions. The first one was when he confessed to Dr. Melfi that he was in love with her (and of course she had to be professional and explain what "transference" was...). That look was so open and trusting and ... tender. And I thought -- goddamn, this is the person he should have been, not some tough mob boss... he could have been a good and loving man. The second time -- it was just a look he gave to his racehorse, Pie O My... a look of adoration for this beautiful animal. And I thought -- that's the real guy looking out of his eyes, just for a few seconds. Which made the horse's fate much more painful.

Any thoughts about the controversial last episode? My theory is that Paulie Walnuts sold him out -- because in the last scene between Tony and Paulie, Paulie couldn't make eye contact with him.

I hope you're being spoiled rotten while you're sick and I'm afraid you're right -- this is your last opportunity! Make the most of it, but be well soon. I already miss the Cornbread.

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The Pine Barrens episode is one of the funniest episodes ever! Also my wife Jessica and I are showing our age because we both didn't know what penultimate meant lol. At any rate get well soon brother and looking forward to your next episode.

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I’m watching Pine Barrens right now!!

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