I thought some of those rocks were set out like a foundation to a building. Are there any old buildings near the battlefield?

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I'll bring my devil-worshipping gear if I come to the Civil War grounds. What a hoot!

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Definitely go get a tetanus shot from your local health department as soon as possible, if you're out there messing around with old metal in the woods. You can get them *before* you encounter the thing you need them for. I work with animals and they recommend them every five years for people who work in "high-risk environments" like that, but every ten years for everyone. Lock jaw would suck for anybody, but especially for someone who makes his living by talking! Not trying to mom ya, just most people don't know this stuff.

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That metal looks like the remnants of an old moonshine still. When they were abandoned they would often leave everything except the copper coil. Just my guess.

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Corey, I'd love to visit those woods. My wife and I love visiting little towns to see what they're about. Our last trip was Macon Ga, which didn't go well. What do you recommend as must see or do in the area? Is there enough for a long weekend road trip? We live in Cookeville so it isn't too far of a trip.

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I WANT to see Southern Devil Worshippers now! Just like it was regular church, same old ladies in the front pews, but all dressed in black robes and the Satanic High Priest talking to folks in the parking lot after services smoking cigarettes and asking about your mamma and them.

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Do you ever walk out there at night? You could film the “Chickamauga Witch Project!” 😬

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You can be the hillbilly Mr. Rogers with your puppets! That would HIT!

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I’m down with the meet up! I love that area!

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