I’m going to be a bit contrarian here and say- don’t think weed doesn’t count. It too has a cost of emotional dependance. If you smoke it, it’s worse than ciggies for carbonaceous carcinogenics, and ass a nurse I really truly have seen people having acute neuropsych meltdown from withdrawal, even though I believed before that it wasn’t a thing. Congratulations on upcoming parenthood, you will be a good loving insightful fun ethical dad, your kids will be blessed to have you and your wife as parents.

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There, where your friends ended up, but for the grace of luck and better choices available--go I. But yeah, weed doesn’t count. Or the occasional psychedelic, because that’s mindfulness and gratitude therapy..

Thanks for sharing, and enjoy daddyhood!

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I'm pretty sure you weren't ever hypothesized by a chicken. Chickens are notoriously exploratory researchers, and as such rarely devote their time to hypothesis testing ;-)

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I sometimes worry I think I'm a good person but I'm really a piece of shit. But ultimately its cuz I don't really have a place in the world. I think. I could just be a piece of shit. But it's like...the only thing I really have to be proud of myself for besides my kid is trying to help and be friendly and kind. I know I'm bad at it but if I'm so bad at it it equals being a piece of shit..I don't know that I'll be able to hang on to what sanity I have left . So I feel ya.

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I would never in a million years type this if anyone knew who I was… I similarly am from Appalachia, am close in age to you, have a similar upbringing and have a similar story. Where mine differs is that in High School I was good, really good. But when I got to college that’s when I went off the rails. I also, did not have the fortunate capability of stopping whenever I wanted. But, due to having a supportive family with the means to take advantage of I did. And I kept it a secret for longer than most. I struggled off and on for about 5 years. Then I met my husband and got pregnant. I swear to you, and I KNOW this is not everyone’s experience, but I have never considered getting high again. I drink a few times a year at social gatherings, have been married eleven years and have 2 beautiful kids. I know that some people find themselves in this situation and it changes nothing. But I think that where the difference lies is what you have. A lot of people come from families that don’t care, don’t have a good income, have only friends that want to get high, etc. When you surround yourself with the good things you know it’s possible and it drives you to want more good things. And when you see what that gives your children it’s ten fold. I’m so happy for you guys, soon enough you will know exactly what I mean. Of that, I have no doubts.

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Thank you for sharing your story, and I am sorry you lost your friends. I honestly thought I was the only one who could dabble in all things illegal and could walk away on the turn of a dime. I even put down the weed for many years, but that found me again. I mean, it's legal now, so why not? Also, you are a great storyteller. Please keep doing it! And finally, you are going to be a fantastic dad! Parenting is no easy job; I am in it right now with a 16-year-old daughter who knows everything and nothing all at the same time. Patience and weed do help! Have a great day, Corey!

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Oof, this one got me good. Thanks for sharing this, Corey. ❤️ And thanks for sharing ALL of your art! We’re all so glad you’re here, bringing us laughter and insights and joy - you are so appreciated!!

PS, you are already a great dad! :)

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Wonderful essay on drug use. Notice I didn’t say “drug abuse “! I think you are wise and very smart and I read everything you post. By the way, I’m a 68 year old white woman living in Atlanta and I think you will be a fantastic father!

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