Is that your artwork? Very cool!

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I don't mean to be "that person," but I cringed when you used the word "pansy." I know you're not homophobic, but that word has long been used in a homophobic way. Still love you, but just had to mention it. I'm glad you're learning to take better care of yourself and finding more balance in your life.

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My brother ! Don't you ever think you're a whimp! Do you realize the strength, bravery, and fortitude it takes to get up on that stage or on a podcast and get people to laugh and think, usually at your own expense?! I dare any of my friends to even TRY what you do! We love ya brother! Keep it up son!

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It was so nice you and the guys sunday. You made my birthday. I wish i could have gotten a hug but like i said i felt weird bc i was alone and im very anti social as you probbaly saw. I hope you feel better take the time you need. You look great btw

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Love the artwork! Thanks for ranting, can relate

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Thanks for the thoughts, Corey! Ya know, life changes and priorities change and that’s neither good nor bad but just different. I’m 57 and I sometimes miss some of the younger me type of stuff but damn, older me is more at peace in my soul these days. Not totally, but that rollercoaster of youth gets fucking old and annoying eventually. I’m riding on the lovely old Victorian carousel of life now, just predictably going round and round with a cool breeze in my face and just a little bit of up and down while pretty music plays over my head. (Yes, The Circle Game by Joni Mitchell is one of my favorite songs. Do you know it?) Anyways...if I can say anything else to a sweet boy who could be my own kid in so many ways, life transitions aren’t always easy or desirable but it’s up to us to embrace the inevitable and make it as enjoyable and fulfilling as the previous stage of life. When drinking with the boys isn’t as much fun as cuddling with your family or watching a sunset from your own porch, it’s ok to let those earlier things go. It’s time for the next wonderful thing! Keep the fond memories and make this next stage of life just as memorable. Again, it might come with some aches and pains but it also kinda forces us to slow down our race to get away from our issues and use our brains to deal with them a little more. That’s where and why greater peace and contentment are truly found, IMO.

As for the comedy future, have you guys ever considered a WellRed venue? You could play there yourselves and also book other comics, or even other acts if it pleased you. Heck, even a summer venue under a tent or pavilion there in Georgia where you’d be back in your own bed every night. Call it the WellRed Comedy Keg and serve simple keg beer and sodas and such to start with and see if it hits. You might get to launch the next Corey Ryan Forester! Plus you’d have your own stage when you need that performance high but without that huge overhead at first. Throw up that pavilion, string some lights, order the beverages, and sell some tickets a couple weekends a month. (And with all the proper licenses and permits of course) Just a thought...

Take care and hug the baby for me! Looking forward to 3 clicks. That’s fun!

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Asheville was awesome. My wife and I enjoyed meeting you. Are you still opening for Leslie Jones in Charleston?

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I am!!

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That's awesome. We already had a 2 day end of the school year vacation planned for that weekend. I guess I know what we'll be doing Saturday night.

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We are the same age and my back would like to cosign on the aging difference of those 2 age spans. I also feel like the stress of 2020 also didn't help tbh. I can't believe the difference in a lot of people (including me!) between Dec 2019 and Dec 2020. Enjoy your time back at home, and I can't believe you're going to give away the speaker coupon- who could afford to leave such savings on the table?!

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