Movie, not move. And Archives *has, not have. Geez. I need my Adderall 😁

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Another one for the dad move list - Braveheart 😁. Also, check this out re: Kennedy assassination documents. Apparently the National Archives have been releasing some of them already. https://www.archives.gov/research/jfk/release2023

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❤️movie club!!!!

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I’m in for movie club! My dad’s favorite movie is Bonnie and Clyde, either the 1967 or 2019 version so I guess that’s a dad movie...?? However, he goes for any movie about the gangster era, WWII, or anything with John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, or Burt Reynolds.

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May 12, 2023Liked by Corey Ryan Forrester

Movie club would be great ! My favorite John Wayne Dad movie was Rio Bravo. Back in the 60's we watched it every time it came on. The best John Wayne movie though is The Searchers.

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May 12, 2023Liked by Corey Ryan Forrester

I’d be all about a movie club. Also, for what it’s worth, the Jack Ruby of it all is where I stop buying the official story on JFK. The Dallas PD has who they believe is the man who just murdered the President in custody and they’re just going to let the mobbed-up guy that owns the titty bar across town watch them transfer the assassin without even patting him down? Suuuuuure.

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May 12, 2023Liked by Corey Ryan Forrester

I have been hoping for a Dollop-WellRed crossover for years. So awesome to see you on the Past Times!

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Hey there! I agree with your list, but why not start a new and current dad list? I'm 58 and I'd pick something different like Star Wars or Smokey and The Bandit for example. Don't let society rule you. Also I agree with Tayama about the movie club! There is no reason to follow our past at the expense of our future. Love you Brother! Take care of that youngun, Mom, and yourself!

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Yes! Let’s do a movie club

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You talked about doing something for Harlan County KY JUSTIFIED!! OMG One of the best shows ever!

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Love the idea! The Patriot, one is our family's favorites!

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I don’t think I’ve ever seen Gladiator, but my orchestra has played the music several times for pops-type concerts. If nothing else, the music is exciting!

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Loving your ideas! Gladiator is my fall asleep movie, but I absolutely love it. I am all for this idea!

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May 11, 2023Liked by Corey Ryan Forrester

Hanlon's razor: "never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity" is why I'm mostly sceptical of conspiracy theories. People, even "professionals" fuck up way more than they should.

Tombstone and Silverado are my 2 favorite dad movies.

Would love either a book or movie group!

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May 11, 2023Liked by Corey Ryan Forrester

Idk if I totally understand what makes a Dad Movie as far as the history goes, so I will just call these Father Films instead:

The Godfather- #1 with a bullet(and a garrote)

The Great Escape

Field of Dreams

The In-Laws

3 Days of the Condor


Again these might just be movies that seem to hit for dads 🤷‍♀️

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I agree...to a point...about Dad movies; my only reservation is that I am uncomfortable with lists that tend to present a segment of society as monolithic. I am sure that's not what you intend to do - I think that's just my bias. It's kind of like articles that are headlined "The Movie We Need Now" - wait, don't tell me what I need, dammit!

That said, back in '96, when I was going through a horrid divorce in Atlanta in which my wife's teen son and I kicked her out of the house because she was a friggin' mental and substance-abusing train wreck, I worked basically 24/7 to keep my stepson on the rails and in high school and on track for college, etc.. Friday nights, he would go off with his teen buddies, and back then TBS would run a John Wayne movie, THEN a Clint Eastwood movie. Mental Health NIRVANA. Whether I had a buddy over to watch, or I was slouched in my favorite chair with the TV on and a bottle of rum and some ice, it was wonderfully mindless bloody Male fun. You knew who the good guys were, you knew who the bad guys were and enjoyed hating them, Wayne and Eastwood stylishly killed the villains, and occasionally got the girl too.

Keep doin' what you're doing, brother - my son's now 20 years older than you - I'm an old fart but still identify with what you're doing - been through a bunch of it myself. Have a great weekend!

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