I’m a woman and am guilty.

I finally went to the podiatrist yesterday for my foot that’s been hurting like a B since the beginning of Nov.

I just tried to ignore it. And, I’m like Corey, I gotta walk, everyday if possible.

So I pushed through the daily 4 mile walk pain for almost 3 months. I’ve got insurance! There’s no reason for that!

Also: make sure you eat pasta, even if it’s just once a week!!

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I am a woman and I can relate so much to this. You are a rock star!

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Had this playing while I was pooping and wifey laughed out loud several times. I'd call that a win Mr Forrester. Great work as usual

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Brilliant! I help run a men’s group for guys trying to pin a label other than angry on what’s going on inside them. And yeah, most of them ignore their physical and mental health. How would I get permission to share this video with them?

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MRAs can be okay if they also consider themselves feminists, which isn't totally unheard of.

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Jan 14, 2023Liked by Corey Ryan Forrester

This rant hit so hard tonight. You don't even know it's like you tapped into some psychic overmind and absorbed via cosmic osmosis me bitching the baby daddy out because he's an emotionally stunted man baby who won't go to therapy, wants me to take responsibility for his lack of emotional intelligence and talk to his son cuz he can't figure out how. Not even his fuckin partner anymore for like almost 2 decades and he wants to be coddled like we still together. BLEH. YALL DUMB AF. Corey, you get a pass. That otro mofo do NOT.

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Jan 14, 2023Liked by Corey Ryan Forrester

Very insightful, Corey. You must have a good therapist. Sometimes it takes a while to find the right one. You’re a smart guy.

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Jan 14, 2023Liked by Corey Ryan Forrester

Sounds to me like you’re on the right path, Corey! I’m glad you’re angry at all the time wasted, and gladder that you’re fixin’ it!

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Jan 14, 2023Liked by Corey Ryan Forrester

Men might not fix themselves but a lot of them sure know how to fix a car. And for that I am grateful.

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Don't you feel better now?

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My other theory: Blame John Wayne.

Wayne's image was of an improbably stoic man who ignored all kinds of pain because that was Manly Behavior. Only wussies went to the damn doctor. Real men bit bullets.

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The feet worse than death...

It's a fact. If your feet ain't happy, YOU ain't happy. Glad you got the inserts.

Have to laugh... my mother had terrible feet because (a) she grew up in the Depression and wore hand-me-down shoes and (b) was too afraid to tell anybody when the shoes started to hurt. Consequently, she had feet shaped like a map of South America, times two. (Dad, a dairy farmer, used to say "if I had a cow with feet like that, I'd send her to the butcher.")

Anyhow, she could never wear the pretty shoes she craved, but that wasn't going to happen to her only daughter, no sir. So she put me in "corrective shoes" my whole childhood and what did she create? A woman who does not give a gnat's ass about pretty shoes and who thinks high heels are an abomination produced by a secret cabal of men who desperately hate women and want to see them suffer.

(High heels and clogs did have a practical purpose before streets were routinely paved -- kept your ankles above the horseshit).

If you're wondering whether I was taunted in high school for wearing clunky shoes -- not a problem. My school mates were nice enough people but none of them were qualified to tell me how to run my life.

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Jan 14, 2023Liked by Corey Ryan Forrester

I think the dumbest men usually suffer from the worst cases of “Male Answer Syndrome.” In case you’ve never heard of it, it’s the syndrome where a man has an answer or opinion on every single thing, especially subjects he knows nothing about!

Republican men have it the worst, in my humble Democratic opinion. 🤓

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Jan 14, 2023Liked by Corey Ryan Forrester

Love it! Thanks for humanizing this issue.

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Jan 14, 2023Liked by Corey Ryan Forrester


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Jan 14, 2023Liked by Corey Ryan Forrester

Thank you, brother Corey! I had my first therapy session this morning after trying unsuccessfully - FOR TWO YEARS - to just muscle through the effects of the death of my wife of 39 years. All of us stupid fuckers appreciate you and your honest approach to being alive, or at least I do. Peace, man.

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