I'm sad because while Agent Orange was having hourly hissy fits, Biden was just trying to do a good job. But I guess that just isn't interesting enough...

Anyway, I do not know why anyone of any race, gender, or political affiliation would want to spend an outrageous amount of time and money just to become the National Scapegoat.

I am confident that the Maggots will soon be spewing "facts" that will equal the lame and spiteful commentary heaped upon Biden. These people get their political views from misspelled bumper stickers.

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I’m just now starting the sermon…

I just wanted to say man, I needed this.

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I'm kind of sad. Biden is a wonderful president, and he proved it today by putting country over self. But we need win, I'm too old to emigrate to Canada or New Zealand. I will vote for any decent human being. Or dog. I'd vote for a dog over Trump.

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This is exactly why it’s a good idea for him to drop out. Most of the people who love him will vote blue no matter who. The far left won't, and if the new candidate (k or otherwise) gains any of them it’s a win.

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Glad to have this take on the record, pastor!

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*joking* He said only God could tell him to step aside, maybe the transmission only goes out on Sundays?

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It’s a good thing, people! Kamala is going to BRUTALIZE trump in the next debate!!

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Yes, Kamala will, indeed, whoop some ass in the next debate, if trump has the courage to debate her. I've lived long enough to see the first black president, I'd love to live long enough to see the first woman president. I just hope people don't so something stupid in November because of all this controversy. Too many people I care about would face negative consequences from another trump presidency.

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Trumps def throwing ketchup at the wall over this. He shoulda dropped out right when trump got dinged. Would’ve taken the whole news cycle away.

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I can’t believe he dropped out ! No one wants to work anymore. Handed Kamala the malarkeys.

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He’s fuckin’ 81! Just when do you think the retirement age should be? You sound like a republican…..😉😏

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