I will probably still roll the windows up to crank ABBA if it comes on the radio.

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I'm old like dirt and proud of it! 🤣

I'm still young at heart and wear my Mickey Mouse tattoos proudly. Live life to the fullest.

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Hey, I’m 65, and I don’t care what label they give me. Both “senior citizen” and “elderly” sound way older than I feel.

My guilty pleasures? Watching Jeopardy, playing online Scrabble, Wordle, etc.

Yep, I’m a senior citizen nerd.

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I'm 63 and even though I don't feel old I know I'm a senior citizen and I'll take those discounts thank you very much! I LOVE "Singing In The Rain" too. The physical comedy while singing and dancing is beyond amazing! I so enjoy your "rants" and stories and love hearing about your family and your professional success. Sending you love peace and prosperity in all that you do.

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Hi again Cho,

Send some rain to the western parts of America and Canada as we are on fire.The smoke is getting thick and unhealthy as F!

Yes we are living in strange times but damn every day is a good day ( despite everything else on fire)We have to stop being out own worst enemies and stop being so judgemental of others and love one another for who we are, rather than worrying about what others think we should be.

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Hey Corey

Yes we are but a drop in the proverbial ocean of time. I am 67, a senior. I can now state my skewed opinions and do as I want when I want ( if I can afford it) we can all dream mostly about being able to do as we once did as much younger people.

Must watch Joe Dirt again and yes Blazing Saddles was one of the best. Forest Gump.Anything from Monty Python or John Cleese.

Loved the pod. Stay real.


AI needs more attention. Meant to get back to you sooner but was out of cell reception and am just playing catch up. Lost your earlier response question to the Ethernet gods at some point.

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Wait, what? SENIOR CITIZEN is now off limits? GMAFB. I'm 61. I'm a goddanged senior citizen; now give my 10-25% discount. LOL

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I agree Mr Corey. I think even critics seem to have trouble with the difference between "I like this" and "this is good". The only fair metric to critique a movie by is "how well did this accomplish what it was trying to do", and Joe Dirt accomplished a lot more than 7% of that imo. I think the critics let "I don't like this" color their reviews in that case. In reverse, I can recognize that Phantom Thread is a good movie, I just didn't enjoy it. Enjoyed the birdsong in the background today!

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I was all set to post an indignant rebuttal - until I remembered that I still love Three Stooges (Curly AND Shemp - but Curly Joe and Joe DeRita versions SUCK - tell me I'm WRONG on THOSE).

I guess sometimes it takes a few years of adulthood and perspective to reach the point where you have to let go of worrying what other people think. Good for you that you discovered it at such a young age.

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I am 62, so I'm a senior citizen. I'm not middle aged as 124 is not a realistic life expectancy. Life is meant to be enjoyed...now! The movie Tropic Thunder is a favorite of mine and I loved Joe Dirt. I exercise, eat ice cream and don't care what people think when I dance. I love your rants and the beautiful photos of you and your son. Thank you for sharing your creativity with us.

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My greatest movie of all time is Dead Alive. THERES A GIGGLING ZOMBIE TODDLER AND A KARATE PREACHER. . So I think we are on parallel vibe.

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I don't care who likes what. I like what I like. I think I've said this to you before but DID YALL MAKE ME BREAKFAST THIS MORNING? NOPE.

I did. Settled question.

And I'm a B horror movie weirdo. I LOVE SILLY STUPID MOVIES.

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I'm essentially there but I add "as long as it doesn't hurt anyone" and that may seem obvious and unnecessary to reiterate but I feel like reiterating it kind of helps release any inner guilt about taking time for yourself. Because it's essentially saying to yourself the things that make you happy should be guilt free because they're harmless. Now imma listen to the rest

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Right along the lines of we're made to feel bad for staring out the window for 30 minutes instead of 'doing something'. Do what feels good and gives you pleasure; no guilt, ever. Love ya!

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Slamming those movies that you KNOW you need to check reality at the door and just sit back and enjoy! What I'd call a popcorn flik.

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