Ok this was adorable. You guys need to do another one for every holiday.

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Oh Corey, I adore your mama. I lost my Mom last year and miss her terribly. I love y'all's relationship. Your Dad is great as well!

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I’m so sorry to hear that, Patty! Much love to you and yours!

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Put on a Minnesota accent and it feels just like home. You two are so cute together; can’t wait for another installment.

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Thanks, Jodi!

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Oh my goodness! You two are just precious and awesome. I liked your Dad's hands poking out at time. And the fact that store bought crust, etc was a sign of making it. So true!

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Keep these coming! Mama Forrester is precious.

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I really enjoyed this! 💜

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I wrote this down. I think I'm going to make it for Thanksgiving next week, my son loves sweet potato pie

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That was great!

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Growing up, it drove me nuts when my parents and grandparents watched cooking shows. Now, I’m watching the CHO cooking. Oh, the irony.

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Love to your momma.

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She’s precious!

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Delightful. I grew up in Knoxville, and she reminds me of so many women in my family. <3

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Great segment! Your mother is awesome. You come by your sass honestly!

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Loved it so much. Loved her so much❤️

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