I pay $5 a month happily, I have thought you should have a "support a substack membership" option as well. It could be a one time or monthly option? I would gladly cover a membership for a fellow heathen liberal! You crack me up, make me think and your brain is a mess like so many of us out here. Thanks for all the laughs!

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This is your livelihood! If someone really cannot afford the $5/month and want to receive it they should request it be free. I would sincerely hope if you gave the option most would opt to pay, but knowing humans they will take whatever they can get for free even when they can afford it pay for it. Just my feelings on it, I am happy to pay.

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I received my membership as a gift from my wonderful sister. She introduced me to you, Drew, and Trae and I haven’t stopped being a fan since then. I am all for everyone making their lives as easy as possible. You have about 2 months until your precious baby arrives, so easy is your best friend at the moment. Thank you for your humor and your generous spirit!

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It’s like the school loan forgiveness. Most people who thought it was unfair didn’t actually ever have a student loan. Those of us who paid them off loved the idea. I’m contributing to you because I like your content, not because I have to pay to get it. But, I am a little worried it will cut into your income.

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No problems here Corey. I support your decision to give any of your art free to whomever you want.

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I’m fine if you want to give your Substack a paid or free option, but I wonder if it might eventually affect your bottom line. This is basically your job, and if new people have no incentive to pay, you might lose future income. Most people are cheapskates (except us Substackers!), and they won’t pay if they don’t have to. Just my $.02.

And, like you, I’m a Cheeto-holic.

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I’m fine with being a paid subscriber and have no plans to be otherwise!

However, realistically, if a new fan is given the option of “paid or free” ?

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I’m not offended at the idea of you giving away what I’m paying for because it makes me feel good knowing I’m helping a brother out with my membership. Lots of people suck though, and I’d hate to have folks taking advantage of your generosity. Maybe sit on that thought a bit longer and then...maybe don’t do it? I dunno. Ask Trae. He’ll have an opinion. He always does 😎🥰

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I wouldn't mind at all if you had a paid/free option.

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jalapeno cheetos 100%

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Yes the old conservatives can cook!!

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Corey, I give you the five bucks because I LIKE what you do, not because it makes me feel special to have it to myself! Give it all away for free, you still get my fiver! And, I am just going to say it, it isn't that liberals can't cook, if just I do not LIKE what they are cooking. I live in NYC and every time someone invites me to some fancy dinner I know that I am about to get some tiny ass entree with an exotic name that is just a appetizer with kind of mushroom. I know I am gonna have to stop at McDonalds on the way home because I am leaving hungry.

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First of all, Cheeeeeeeetos! My fingertips are currently orange, so you know what I’m snacking on. Second, it’s your choice how you want to manage your creative output. I am happy that you would offer that content to everyone regardless of ability to pay. Kind of like public school education, makes us well-rounded and gives us the chance to hear everyone.

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Not offended at all. This shit is why we love ya. Got my thumbs up.

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Maybe those who pay get occasional extra stuff that the free people don't ever get? I'm fine either way.

Crunchy jalapeño cheetos are my #1 baby! 💜

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Jan 24, 2023Liked by Corey Ryan Forrester

I support your decision to give away your content to people who can’t afford it and having paid and free buttons that lets choose sounds like a great idea.

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