First MIL despised me. Second MIL is a hoot! So MIL jokes are funny when it’s the first one

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Oh, Corey, this was the first-and I hope the last-post of yours I absolutely hate. My Mom-in-law was an amazing and loving woman but that’s not why I find this joke disappointing. I’m fairly certain. From reading and listening to your posts that you would never agree that violence against women is good, funny, appropriate, whatever word fits here, so why would you choose this, of all MIL jokes to tell?

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It’s hard not to think people who tell those kind of jokes are assholes. You can tell a lot about people by what they laugh at. Just sayin.

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I don’t like any violence against women jokes

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My husband's momma was a Tremendous Blessing to me, and a very loving and close friend.

My husband's family NEVER uses the term "In-Law." My husband's momma, who hailed from WVA, said that the term, "In-Law" always seemed to her to make it sound as though that the person was, in actuality, an "Outlaw." So we've always just said, "My husband's or wife's, or whom-ever's momma or daddy." Never "In-Law."

BTW, Mr. Forrester - Your entire site is wonderful!

Thank you for making my day everyday (and it's not just your jokes that do it)!

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My mother-in-law was a really sweet lady.

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