I’m not one to post much, but, just gotta say...

Right On, Bub.

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This. Absolutely this 🥺

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Love you, Corey. Way to capture what we're all feeling

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Divided by logic, science, and decency, indeed. Well-written and most appreciated. Thanks.

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You're my man, Corey.

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You’ve put into words what pretty much all of us are feeling. Thank you

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Fellow southerner here. Love your stuff. Still in shock DT conned so many of our folks. Crazy making times for sure. We have to hold on to hope that it will get better. Keep on doing what you do!

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That was well-written, profound and deeply true. Thanks, Corey.

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That was beautiful. Thank you for putting to words how I feel about the country today. I don't recognize my home any longer. But perhaps together, we can find a way forward.

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Corey - this is as beautiful as it is heartbreaking. Thank you for sharing this with us and may we all find a way out of this hellscape together.

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Oh wow. Perfect ode to the Fourth of July. Thank you!

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Jul 5, 2022·edited Jul 5, 2022

Has it been worse? It’s been bad, but feels like things are getting worse. Now you have to add in millions of Americans struggling w/ Long-Covid who wake up every day feeling like we’ve been hit by a truck and walk around all day like someone spiked our drinks with GHB. We can’t get any help from the government and we’re being gaslighted by the medical field. I can’t get started on the hell Chronic pain patients are still dealing with.

I’m so fed up with the bullshit, I can’t bring myself to celebrate the 4th of July.

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Yes, there used to be slavery and segregation and only white dudes could vote and you were forced to go to war. That was definitely worse

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Good point.

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I had a neighbor post about the fireworks going non stop in our neighborhood. He then said, “God, I love this country.” Unfortunately, one day of blowing shit up and over indulging in beer and Buffalo chicken dip is enough to make way too many say just that…

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Yes sir

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Well stated Corey.

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Love ya, but sometimes you make me cry.

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