You just make me smile! Go Corey!!

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As the grandson of a moonshiner, it is about time someone spoke up for REAL 'shine!

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You are so on target about the aftereffects of the joy juice. I don't suffer from the headaches or other pain, but damn... I am so effing useless the next day.

How about substackerites? Or substacker-istas?

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Thanks for your rant. Hit hard!!!

I drink very infrequently as a result of an intentional choice. Never was an alcoholic but never wanted to get there in the first place.

Love ya bud!

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Alcohol should also be considered a poisonous substance. Moderation is the key. Cannabis is far superior when it is produced with science and love. But once again in moderation. Coffee is the best though. Stick with that.

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I have buddy that makes the real deal in the B.C , Canadian Rockies. Clear as ever and hits bloody hard!


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Thanks for keeping it real as always!

At our house, we always say, “you gotta detox to retox!” Reset as needed. All things in (some kind of) moderation. 💯

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