Late, but yeah re the faux Christians like Osteen, Robertson, et al.

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Not all long-time Democrats have gone bad as they get older. Look at Grandpa Joe. He’s 635 years old and has been in Washington since he was in his 30’s.

That being said, it’s up to us to follow through and call out our elected officials, no matter if we voted for them or not.

Also, too many of us do not vote in the midterms. The Midterms are Congress. Which is arguably more important than the President. They make our laws. So, let’s all vote. A President cannot do very much without Congress backing them. Midterms are HUGE.

We also need to learn how our system works-how are laws made and signed into law, what is the filibuster, etc are critical to know.

We need at least two healthy parties for a democracy. The Republican Party has lost its way. They need to be defeated so badly they either change their extremist ways or die out and a new party emerges.

Lincoln is rolling in his grave seeing what his party has become.

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“Be that radical person” is the strategy that I tried after 2016. I ran for and became the chair of my county democratic party in Arkansas. I recruited 53 people into the party, raising our total number of registered, party-active local Democrats from 4 to 57.

Things did not turn out well. New members of the party, included, teachers, factory, workers, secretaries, and a radio DJ. At least, one person in each of those fields have their job threatened because of their political activity.

The radio DJ specifically had his boss threaten to fire him because their biggest advertiser was a big GOP donor.

It’s rough down here, cuz.

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When you first mentioned Joel Osteen, I thought at first that you were talking about the other Democratic senator from Georgia, Jon Ossoff. “Oh no, what could Mr. Ossoff have done to piss off Corey?!”

I’m straight now. Love the rants! Keep ‘em coming! Vote Blue!

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Yaaaassssss! I can't wait to hear you rip those televangelists a new one! Keep up the good funny work. I sure appreciate you.

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Would love to hear your take on Joel Osteen and his ilk. As a Christian liberal I sometimes wonder if they are even reading the same bible I am.

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Joel Osteen looks like donkey from Shrek got mange.

I'm not coming to you for atheist content. Atheism is the thing you and I most violently disagree on. But I like to make fun of Joel Osteen cuz he's a rotten lit shit. He's a pile of shit if mangey Donkey ate a physical million dollars and had IBS.

I don't have a regular job cuz I can't. I haven't had shit in the way of medical care for like 15 years. I couldn't afford insurance even when I worked 2 40 hrs kitchen Jobs and a third part time at once. I have fainting spells, days where I puke up bile and then dry heave for hours after that runs out and I have what looks like tiny tumors. So I do jobS and sell herbs on the side of the highway. Trying to save up for the medical care I need. Right now I'm making pyrography art and enjoying your ramble. If I wasn't permabanned from Twitter I'd show you.

Toodles Doodles

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Joel Osteen! Yes! You can phone it in, which you won’t, and it will still be great! Also, I enjoy the rants.

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Great commentary. Agreed that I love Biden's remarks yesterday. But I heard about poll that said folks are more concerned about economy than losing our democracy. Holy shit! We will survive inflation or recession- we always do. But becoming a fascist country? That generally takes a war. How can that not be a top priority? On a lighter note - can't wait for the Osteen podcasts!

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Oct 19, 2022Liked by Corey Ryan Forrester

I love my work! I work with great people doing meaningful stuff!… dont like getting up for early shifts though, I guess.

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