What are your thoughts on Dressing or Stuffing? 😅😂🤣😅😂🤣 just josh’in ya!

Southern Cooking would be a great subject👍 I’m really interested in grits and the history of them🤷‍♀️🧐

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No question, just want to say, thanks for being so open and honest about everything you feel. I relate to your brain so much, lol. Hug Amber, hug your baby, life is good, skew!

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I am a trekkie. Have you watched any of the newest star trek?

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How much did you pay for a pint of beer in Britain?

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Share a personal experience with a groundhog

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Is Aunt Lita okay? I miss her. Did she ever get some strange in the bathroom at Chili's that she said she missed during the pandemic?

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Ok...just one more thing to ask, Corey. If you have a couple spare minutes to watch a video (be sure the audio is on)


Full disclosure...I posted the link first for Trae but he was in a time crunch when he recorded for patreon and couldn’t watch it first. Now that you’ve posted your own q&a prompt and it’s not a double dip to both of you (just a double dip by me on your prompt 😆) I wondered if you’d watch it and give me your thoughts. Basically, I first thought it was hilarious, then I was disturbed that it was such a sad social commentary but full of satire and symbolism. Now I’m kinda disturbed that I still think it’s hilarious. 😁 (Well, except for one part in the middle but even that has a bunch of symbolic interpretation potential)

ANYWAY...no worries if ya don’t have time! Thanks and I vote for more q&a and games and interactive fun here on the stack.

Plus more baby pics. Lots and lots of baby pics. Especially if you draw a mini beard on him so he’s just like daddy 😁

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It is Hella Funny😂🤣🙃Thanks Sherri 👍

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If you were face to face to MTG what would you say to her?

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Do you guys do meet and greets after the Wellred shows?

Would it be inappropriate to buy you guys a drink after the show?

And finally...🤔...How much WOOD, could a Woodchuck chuck, if a Woodchuck, could chuck, wood...😆

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Sometimes you dress like Gilbert Fontaine De la Tour Dauterive from King of the Hill. Have you always been such a schnazzy dresser?

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What happened to Annie fat neck Jones. Miss her commentary.

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Best COVER version of a song ever recorded, and which artist / song would be your dream cover that hasn't already been done?

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I have questions. The biggest question I have I feel like might be inappropriate though. My son is a big fan of Drax the Destroyer. He has autism and his one thing that he loves is "the big guys". Hulk, Drax, Solomon Grundy...the theme is huge dude who talks funny. So I'll ask a related question..

Who should be cast as a live action Grundy?

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A1 is it going to take over our lives. As in things like Chat GBT and automation.?

I am not conspiracy theorist in any way just so ya know.

Hope all is well in your household. This otta be fun as the questions are great so far!

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When Donald Duck gets out of the shower, why does he put on a towel when he normally doesn't wear any pants?

Asking the real questions here.

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This is one of those things that makes you go “hmmmmmm” 🤣🤣🤣

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How is Jansen Bain liking his Liverpool Football Club romper suit?

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FMK Chris Pine, Chris Hemsworth, and Chris Evans

Aaand which Westeros house would you like to join?

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I was wondering how your little niece was adjusting to sharing the limelight with the baby. My little granddaughter took a minute to adjust when her baby cousin was born.

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What was some of the biggest internal nonsense that used to get in the way of your writing and performing? Also, thanks for hosting this substack!

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Is Bubba Shot The Podcast done forever and if not, do you know when it is coming back?

Also, if time and space weren’t a thing and you could put together a dream meal made up of different courses from any meals you’ve ever had anywhere, what would you pick?

Finally, how’s Amber recovering since the birth? Hope she’s feeling great!

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When is your new book coming out? Are you doing a book tour and coming to Powell’s Books in Portland? (Please!)

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What is the best way to get a signed copy of the Round Here and Over Yonder book?

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What’s your best writing advice? Asking for a friend.

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I know you like antiques. I would like to know what’s the best antique thing you’ve ever found? And did you buy it? Also, what’s your most elusive antique you hope to someday find? Your personal “holy grail.” Thanks bunches!!

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You're in your dream blunt rotation with 4 other people, dead or alive, famous or not. Who would they be and what would your first question be to the group?

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Does a mockingbird have a song of its own?

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Favorite Drive By Truckers album?

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Not a question, wanted to say I appreciated you sharing when you were walking a bunch. Been struggling at my job a while (lots of down time, sitting at my desk depressed). Decided on April 24th to start walking when depressed, minimum of 8000 steps a day . Been keeping it up, minimum of 8800 steps since I started, but averaging 5 + miles a day. Still depressed, but at least not sitting like a bump on a log.

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What is the best comedic advice you’ve ever received? What was the worst?

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Do you have a contract or appearance rider? If so, what's on it? If not. What would be on it?

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What has surprised you most about parenthood?

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Is a hot dog a sandwich?

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Great question, Mike!

Yes. Meat (although questionable meat content) between bread. Sandwich.

Looking forward to what Corey says on this one 😁

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When are we gonna see the Buttercream Dream again? My favorite comic character!

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