Omg -- Redneck Cunk on Georgia would be absolutely hilarious! You gotta do that mockumentary even if it's not my ripped off idea 🤣

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You start talking about Green Eyes and my brain goes "I should tell Corey about Old Gods of Appalachia" and then my brain goes "Wait...he was ON OGoA, so obviously he knows about it!" And then my brain goes "Well, maybe the substackers don't know about Corey being on OGoA?" So here is a link where you can hear Corey on that amazing podcast! https://www.oldgodsofappalachia.com/ (Ep 22, 24 and 25 are his BIG episodes as Jerry Brotheron)

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I'm afraid of heights as well.. not sure I'd have even tried going up.. so more power to you.. cool view... and interesting story :) thanks for the tidbit on Houdini

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GREEN EYES MOCKUMENTARY!!!! I just realized I know "about" Green Eyes, but know nothing. How is that even possible?

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Green eyes -- could be an animal?

We had a ghost in our old farmhouse -- he was the original owner and his name was Payne Norris.

He was a Quaker. You could do a lot worse than a Quaker ghost -- he wasn't there because of guilt or terror or any of the other ethereal motivations -- we think he was there out of an exaggerated sense of responsibility. He really wasn't haunting the house -- he was just supervising. You only ever heard him when you were alone at night -- he'd walk around, stop at each window and door, go up the stairs and back down. And then... silence. Once Payne had ascertained that everything was all right, he'd be quiet.

However, we think he was using the afterlife to resolve some gender-identity issues because he kept stealing my mom's red lipstick.

I used to expect to see a set of red lips floating in mid-air like the beginning of "The Rocky Horror Picture Show."

Never happened, though. (sigh)

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HeyCorey, where is Bain on the days that you do your walk? Is he with your mother-in-law? How bumpy is it, wouldn’t it be great to take him for a stroll and do a Corey plus Bain park rant n stroll?

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He’s with my mom!

And I’d love to do that, but the reason he’s with my mom on Wednesday is cause I’m prepping Puttin On Airs and I can’t do that + pay attention to him lol. So before I start my heavy research I always check in with Substackers since I’m childless and free!

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Cory, love your rants! It's cool for you to have some "me" time, too.

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It doesn’t have to be on a Wednesday, Corey. Maybe you can have a Thursday Park rant.

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Why are the windows arranged so some of them are behind the stairs? Put em in a spiral pattern so you can use all of them!

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Great day to go up the tower. My wife and I went up one day in July. I found out I should have applied anti-persirant in places I didn't know I had.

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Looks like a beautiful day! Thank you for the tour!

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