My Monday had me asking if telling a teammate to F off was an HR violation (we decided yes). So, I tried to switch my perspective so I am challenging myself to not let small shit bother me. It's a reflection on him not me.
The worst Monday mornings are after a 3-day weekend.
Even worse, after a full week off. For the first ten or so seconds after my alarm goes off, I lay in bed and feel as if every gram of serotonin in my body suddenly evaporated. There is a depth of despair unique to those ten seconds, and I fall out of bed, then crawl to the bathroom, knowing that for whatever reason, brushing my teeth replaces at least half the serotonin I had the night before.
No idea why. So I recommend brushing your teeth twice Monday mornings. Can't hurt, and your breath will thank you.
My job was "eliminated" back in April and today, I started a new part-time gig -- it was interesting though a bit grueling and my first assignment took me way too long to finish, but I'll get better at it.
My Monday had me asking if telling a teammate to F off was an HR violation (we decided yes). So, I tried to switch my perspective so I am challenging myself to not let small shit bother me. It's a reflection on him not me.
But the urge was strong y'all!!
The worst Monday mornings are after a 3-day weekend.
Even worse, after a full week off. For the first ten or so seconds after my alarm goes off, I lay in bed and feel as if every gram of serotonin in my body suddenly evaporated. There is a depth of despair unique to those ten seconds, and I fall out of bed, then crawl to the bathroom, knowing that for whatever reason, brushing my teeth replaces at least half the serotonin I had the night before.
No idea why. So I recommend brushing your teeth twice Monday mornings. Can't hurt, and your breath will thank you.
My job was "eliminated" back in April and today, I started a new part-time gig -- it was interesting though a bit grueling and my first assignment took me way too long to finish, but I'll get better at it.
Some weeks are all Mondays.
You got this. Every job starts that way, especially when you've been away from it for a bit.
Hey congrats on the new gig!
Thanks. It's nice to stretch my brain again.
You've got to take care of yourself to continue being the awesome you that you are.
I'm having a great Monday. Retired, single, no kids,good lettuce and ROLL TIDE ROLL. 😁
I agree with everything but that last part 🤣
Sent a photo of my Monday on instagram when I was listening to the pod. A great day to exist.
Skew! Love ya, Pat!
Self care is a must! 💜 and learning to "let it go" is a real skill!!