Corey you gotta watch "The Last Kingdom" on Netflix. It hits real hard, kinda like GoT but covers all the Mercia / Wessex / Viking stuff from 900AD or so. And it will answer your questions on Northumbria. I traced my family lineage and got back to right around that time, basically my 27th great papaw was one of them that got titles and shit from the French when they invaded.

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This challenge is so interesting every time! I like the idea of cutting out certain articles that we know can get us to Hitler easy, like maybe after you use a certain article 5(or 7 or 10 if that's too strict) times, it's out of commission. That would also force you to be strategic with your uses- if you know you could get to H from 2 different articles, which one do you save for use later? And since Aquitaine was mentioned, I think Eleanor of Aquitaine would really hit as a Professor Cho history lesson. She was the most powerful woman in Europe when she married Henry II, and her kids included the King Richard the Lionheart and one of the great shitheels of all time, Prince John, both of Robin Hood fame!

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Ok! Next challenge. A non western figure. Let’s see if we can get to asshole Hitler in 3 clicks from one of the most famous Japanese historical dudes, Sakamoto, Ryoma. Go!

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Corey Ryan Forrester

I think this game hits! Looking forward to episode 3!

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