So wild and crazy!

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Got bored at work and tried again.

Predictive text first three words in left hand box entered into the wiki search “I don’t know.” Started with first option that popped up, “I don’t know how to love him.”

#1...found the city of “Ubrecht”

#2...found WWII

#3...found that evil little bastard killer!

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May 18, 2023Liked by Corey Ryan Forrester

Was on Sinead O' Connors Wikipedia when I listened to this - was surprisingly easy to get from there to Hitler in 3 clicks. Fun route to a bit of critical thinking and reading comprehension practice!

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May 18, 2023Liked by Corey Ryan Forrester

Wow, the random Wikipedia page I started with was “List of municipalities in Bayburt Province” in Turkey! I thought there was no way I’d make it. Then it was “Turkey,” “WWII,” and that took me to the bad guy.

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So...I opened Wikipedia and used predictive text for the initial search, which was “the first thing. I started with the first option that popped up from that predictive text search, which was “king Henry VII”

I chose the link “French revolution” next

Then “warfare”

Then...Hitler was a link to click

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Fun ain’t it??

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Yeppers it sure is!!

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May 17, 2023Liked by Corey Ryan Forrester

I would have clicked on "German climatologist" on the second page rather than Japan.

Just listened to Weekly Skews. Tell Trae to Google "Conchita Wurst Eurovision 2014" and to shut up about keeping your beard while wearing drag. 😁

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Great Game Corey...Maybe get Smart Mark to join us, so he can help with the "HARDER" references...😆...Love Ya, Take care...


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That’s a GREAT idea!

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May 17, 2023Liked by Corey Ryan Forrester

Omg you did it in 3! 🥳 I would like to recommend 'Ava Gardner' as a starting page, I have a feeling it could work a few ways, and also as a side benefit I think she would be a fun history companion to your Sinatra 'Puttin On Airs' segment since she is both very southern and very classy 🧐

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Cuz it German and nit Germany

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